const isDev = require('electron-is-dev') const { Client, Authenticator } = require('minecraft-launcher-core') const fetch = require('node-fetch').default const hasha = require('hasha') const fs = require('fs') const { join } = require('path') const constants = require("constants") const zip = require('extract-zip') const logger = require('electron-log') const msmc = require('msmc') class Minecraft { appdata = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform === 'darwin' ? process.env.HOME + '/Library/Preferences' : process.env.HOME + "/.local/share") minecraftpath = join(this.appdata, ".altarik") launcher = new Client() auth = null modsList = undefined showNotification = undefined setShowNotification(showNotification) { this.showNotification = showNotification } /** * Used to login through Mojang account */ login(event, win, username, password) { this.auth = null if(isDev || password.trim() !== "") { this.auth = Authenticator.getAuth(username, password) this.auth.then(v => { win.loadFile('src/client/index.html') }).catch(() => { event.sender.send("loginError") logger.error("[MJ login] User haven't purchase the game") this.showNotification("Erreur de connexion", "Vous ne possèdez pas de licence Minecraft sur ce compte", "error") }) } else { this.showNotification("Erreur de connexion", "Veuillez renseignez un mot de passe", "warning") } } /** * Used to login through a Microsoft account */ microsoftLogin(event, win) { msmc.fastLaunch("electron", (update) => { switch (update.type) { case "Error": event.sender.send("loginError") this.showNotification("Une erreur est survenue",, "error") logger.error("MC-Account error:",; break; } }).then(result => { if(msmc.errorCheck(result)) { event.sender.send("loginError") logger.error(result.reason) this.showNotification("Erreur de connexion", result.reason, "error") } else { if(!msmc.isDemoUser(result)) { this.auth = msmc.getMCLC().getAuth(result) win.loadFile('src/client/index.html') } else { event.sender.send("loginError") logger.error("[MS login] User haven't purchase the game") this.showNotification("Erreur de connexion", "Vous ne possèdez pas de licence Minecraft sur ce compte", "error") } } }).catch(reason => { event.sender.send("loginError") logger.error(reason) this.showNotification("Erreur de connexion", "Erreur inconnue", "error") }) } launch(event, args) { this.extractJava(Number(args.chapter), event).then((javaPath) => { this.extractMods(Number(args.chapter), event).then((chapter) => { this.launcher.launch({ authorization: this.auth, root: this.minecraftpath, javaPath: javaPath, version: { number: chapter.minecraftVersion, type: chapter.type | "release", custom: chapter.customVersion }, memory: { max: args.maxMem, min: args.minMem } }).then(v => { if(v === null) { this.close(event, -1) } }) this.launcher.on('debug', (e) =>`debug: ${e}`)); this.launcher.on('data', (e) =>`data: ${e}`)); this.launcher.on('progress', (e) => { event.sender.send("progress", e)`progress ${e.type} :${e.task} / ${}`) }) this.launcher.on('arguments', (e) => { event.sender.send("launch", e)"launching the game") }) this.launcher.on('close', (e) => { this.close(event, e) }) }).catch((err) => { this.showNotification("Impossible de lancer le jeu", "Erreur inconnue", "error") event.sender.send("close", 1) logger.error('Unable to launch the game') logger.error(err) }) }).catch(err => { this.showNotification("Impossible de lancer le jeu", "Impossible d'installer Java pour votre configuration", "error") event.sender.send("close", 1) logger.warn("Unable to install java") logger.warn(err) }) } close(event, code) { event.sender.send("close", code) if(code !== 0) { logger.warn("Minecraft didn't close properly") logger.warn(code) this.showNotification("Une erreur est survenue", "Minecraft ne s'est pas fermé correctement", "error") } } getModsInformations(event) { fetch("").then(response => { if(response.ok) { response.json().then(data => { let folder = join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, "altarik-launcher", "data") if(!fs.existsSync(folder)) fs.mkdirSync(folder, {recursive: true}) let file = join(folder, "launcher.json") if(fs.existsSync(file)) fs.rmSync(file) fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(data)) event.sender.send('modsInformations', this.extractModsInformations(data)) }).catch(err => { event.sender.send('modsInformations', this.extractModsFromFileSystem()) logger.warn(err) logger.warn("An error occured while trying to connect to server") }) } else { logger.warn("Unable to connect to server") logger.warn(err) event.sender.send('modsInformations', this.extractModsFromFileSystem()) } }).catch(err => { logger.warn("Unable to connect to server") logger.warn(err) event.sender.send('modsInformations', this.extractModsFromFileSystem()) }) } extractModsFromFileSystem() { let filepath = join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, "altarik-launcher/data/launcher.json") if(fs.existsSync(filepath)) { let content = fs.readFileSync(filepath) if(content !== null) { this.showNotification("Impossible de récupérer certaines informations en ligne", "utilisation des dernières données récupérées", "warning") return this.extractModsInformations(JSON.parse(content)) } else { this.showNotification("Impossible de récupérer certaines informations en ligne", "Veuillez réessayez en cliquant sur le bouton", "warning") logger.error("Unable to get chapters informations from server or filesystem") return null } } else { return null; } } extractModsInformations(json) { this.modsList = json.chapters return this.modsList } async extractMods(chapterId, event) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const modsFolder = join(this.minecraftpath, "mods") const shaderFolder = join(this.minecraftpath, "shaderpacks") if(fs.existsSync(modsFolder)) fs.rmSync(modsFolder, { recursive: true }) if(fs.existsSync(shaderFolder)) fs.rmSync(shaderFolder, { recursive: true }) for(const i in this.modsList) { if(Number(i) === chapterId) { const chapter = this.modsList[i] for(let j in chapter.modspack.mods) { event.sender.send("progress", {type: "mods", task: 0, total: chapter.modspack.mods.length }) let modpackFolder = join(this.minecraftpath, "modpack", chapter.title) if(!fs.existsSync(modpackFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(modpackFolder, { recursive: true }) const path = join(modpackFolder, `modpack${j}.zip`) try { fs.accessSync(path, constants.W_OK) let sha1 = await hasha.fromFile(path, {algorithm: 'sha1'}) if(sha1 === chapter.modspack.sha1sum[j]) { await this.unzipMods(path).catch(err => { reject(err) }) } else { logger.warn(`sha1sum ${sha1} don't correspond to ${chapter.modspack.sha1sum[j]} of mods ${path}`) await this.downloadAndExtractMods(chapter.modspack.mods[j], path).catch(err => { reject(err) }) } event.sender.send("progress", {type: "mods", task: Number(j)+1, total: chapter.modspack.mods.length }) } catch (err) { try { await this.downloadAndExtractMods(chapter.modspack.mods[j], path) } catch(e) { reject({ err, e }) return } } } resolve(chapter) return } } reject("didn't found the correct chapter" + chapter) }) } downloadMods(link, path) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(link).then(response => { if(response.ok) { if(fs.existsSync(path)) fs.rmSync(path) const dest = fs.createWriteStream(path) response.body.pipe(dest) response.body.on("end", () => { logger.log("download completed"); resolve("download completed") }) dest.on("error", () => { reject("An error appenned when using stream") }); } else { reject(response.status) } }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }) } async unzipMods(zipLocation, outLocation=this.minecraftpath) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {`unzipping ${zipLocation} file to ${outLocation}`) zip(zipLocation, { dir: outLocation }).then(() => { resolve() }).catch(err => { logger.err(`failed to unzip file`) reject(err) }) }) } async downloadAndExtractMods(link, path) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.downloadMods(link, path).then(() => { this.unzipMods(path).then(() => { resolve() }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }) } async extractJava(chapterId, event) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const runtime = join(this.minecraftpath, "runtime") if(this.modsList[chapterId].java.platform[process.platform][process.arch] !== undefined) { event.sender.send("progress", {type: "java", task: 0, total: 1 }) const infos = this.modsList[chapterId].java.platform[process.platform][process.arch] const jre = join(runtime, const downloadFolder = join(runtime, "download") const downloadFile = join(downloadFolder, `${}.zip`) if(fs.existsSync(jre)) fs.rmSync(jre, { recursive: true }) if(!fs.existsSync(downloadFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(downloadFolder, { recursive: true }) if(fs.existsSync(downloadFile)) { let sha1 = await hasha.fromFile(downloadFile, {algorithm: 'sha256'}) if(sha1 === infos.sha256sum) { await this.unzipMods(downloadFile, runtime) resolve(join(jre, 'bin', 'java.exe')) } else { logger.warn(`java sha256sum ${sha1} don't correspond to ${infos.sha256sum}`) await this.downloadAndExtractJava(infos, downloadFolder, runtime).then(() => resolve(join(jre, 'bin', 'java.exe'))).catch(err => reject(err)) } } else { await this.downloadAndExtractJava(infos, downloadFolder, runtime).then(() => resolve(join(jre, 'bin', 'java.exe'))).catch(err => reject(err)) } event.sender.send("progress", {type: "java", task: 1, total: 1 }) } else { reject("There is not available version for this system") } }) } async downloadAndExtractJava(infos, downloadFolder, runtimeFolder) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {`Downloading ${}`) this.downloadMods(, join(downloadFolder, `${}.zip`)).then(() => {`download completed`) this.unzipMods(join(downloadFolder, `${}.zip`), runtimeFolder).then(() => {`File unzipped`) resolve() }).catch(err => {`Failed to unzip ${join(downloadFolder, `${}.zip`)}`) reject(err) }) }).catch(err => { logger.err(`Failed to download ${} to ${}.zip`) reject(err) }) }) } invalidateData(event) {"invalidate game data...") const assets = join(this.minecraftpath, 'assets') const librairies = join(this.minecraftpath,'libraries') const natives = join(this.minecraftpath, 'natives') if(fs.existsSync(assets)) fs.rmdirSync(assets, { recursive: true }) if(fs.existsSync(librairies)) fs.rmdirSync(librairies, { recursive: true }) if(fs.existsSync(natives)) fs.rmdirSync(natives, { recursive: true })"Game data invalidated") event.sender.send("invalidated") } } module.exports = new Minecraft