package io.github.cottonmc.templates.block; import io.github.cottonmc.templates.Templates; import io.github.cottonmc.templates.api.ThemeableBlockEntity; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.Blocks; import net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntity; import net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntityType; import net.minecraft.item.BlockItem; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtElement; import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtHelper; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.registry.Registries; import; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.util.Objects; public class TemplateEntity extends BlockEntity implements ThemeableBlockEntity { protected BlockState renderedState = Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); protected byte bitfield = DEFAULT_BITFIELD; protected static final int SPENT_GLOWSTONE_DUST_MASK = 0b00000001; protected static final int SPENT_REDSTONE_TORCH_MASK = 0b00000010; protected static final int SPENT_POPPED_CHORUS_MASK = 0b00000100; protected static final int EMITS_REDSTONE_MASK = 0b00001000; protected static final int IS_SOLID_MASK = 0b00010000; protected static final byte DEFAULT_BITFIELD = IS_SOLID_MASK; //brand-new templates shall be solid //Using one-character names is a little brash, like, what if there's a mod that adds crap to the NBT of ever //block entity, and uses short names for the same reason I am (there are lots and lots of block entities). //Kinda doubt it? protected static final String BLOCKSTATE_KEY = "s"; protected static final String BITFIELD_KEY = "b"; public TemplateEntity(BlockEntityType type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { super(type, pos, state); } @Override public void readNbt(NbtCompound tag) { super.readNbt(tag); BlockState lastRenderedState = renderedState; if(tag.contains("BlockState")) { //2.0.4 and earlier renderedState = NbtHelper.toBlockState(Registries.BLOCK.getReadOnlyWrapper(), tag.getCompound("BlockState")); if(tag.getBoolean("spentglow")) spentGlowstoneDust(); if(tag.getBoolean("spentredst")) spentRedstoneTorch(); if(tag.getBoolean("spentchor")) spentPoppedChorus(); setEmitsRedstone(tag.getBoolean("emitsredst")); setSolidity(!tag.contains("solid") || tag.getBoolean("solid")); //default to "true" if it's nonexistent } else { renderedState = NbtHelper.toBlockState(Registries.BLOCK.getReadOnlyWrapper(), tag.getCompound(BLOCKSTATE_KEY)); bitfield = tag.contains(BITFIELD_KEY) ? tag.getByte(BITFIELD_KEY) : DEFAULT_BITFIELD; } //Force a chunk remesh on the client if the displayed blockstate has changed //TODO: doors? (need remeshing when the *other* party changes) if(world != null && world.isClient && !Objects.equals(lastRenderedState, renderedState)) { Templates.chunkRerenderProxy.accept(world, pos); } } @Override public void writeNbt(NbtCompound tag) { super.writeNbt(tag); if(renderedState != Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()) tag.put(BLOCKSTATE_KEY, NbtHelper.fromBlockState(renderedState)); if(bitfield != DEFAULT_BITFIELD) tag.putByte(BITFIELD_KEY, bitfield); } public static @Nonnull BlockState readStateFromItem(ItemStack stack) { NbtCompound blockEntityTag = BlockItem.getBlockEntityNbt(stack); if(blockEntityTag == null) return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); //slightly paranoid NBT handling cause you never know what mysteries are afoot with items NbtElement subElement; if(blockEntityTag.contains(BLOCKSTATE_KEY)) subElement = blockEntityTag.get(BLOCKSTATE_KEY); //2.0.5 else if(blockEntityTag.contains("BlockState")) subElement = blockEntityTag.get("BlockState"); //old 2.0.4 items else return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); if(!(subElement instanceof NbtCompound subCompound)) return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); else return NbtHelper.toBlockState(Registries.BLOCK.getReadOnlyWrapper(), subCompound); } //RenderAttachmentBlockEntity impl. Note that ThemeableBlockEntity depends on this returning a BlockState object. @Override public BlockState getRenderAttachmentData() { return renderedState; } public void setRenderedState(BlockState newState) { if(!Objects.equals(renderedState, newState)) { renderedState = newState; markDirtyAndDispatch(); } } public boolean hasSpentGlowstoneDust() { return (bitfield & SPENT_GLOWSTONE_DUST_MASK) != 0; } public void spentGlowstoneDust() { bitfield |= SPENT_GLOWSTONE_DUST_MASK; markDirtyAndDispatch(); } public boolean hasSpentRedstoneTorch() { return (bitfield & SPENT_REDSTONE_TORCH_MASK) != 0; } public void spentRedstoneTorch() { bitfield |= SPENT_REDSTONE_TORCH_MASK; markDirtyAndDispatch(); } public boolean hasSpentPoppedChorus() { return (bitfield & SPENT_POPPED_CHORUS_MASK) != 0; } public void spentPoppedChorus() { bitfield |= SPENT_POPPED_CHORUS_MASK; markDirtyAndDispatch(); } public boolean emitsRedstone() { return (bitfield & EMITS_REDSTONE_MASK) != 0; } public void setEmitsRedstone(boolean nextEmitsRedstone) { boolean currentlyEmitsRedstone = emitsRedstone(); if(currentlyEmitsRedstone != nextEmitsRedstone) { if(currentlyEmitsRedstone) bitfield &= ~EMITS_REDSTONE_MASK; else bitfield |= EMITS_REDSTONE_MASK; markDirtyAndDispatch(); if(world != null) world.updateNeighbors(pos, getCachedState().getBlock()); } } public boolean isSolid() { return (bitfield & IS_SOLID_MASK) != 0; } public void setSolidity(boolean nextSolid) { boolean currentlySolid = isSolid(); if(currentlySolid != nextSolid) { if(currentlySolid) bitfield &= ~IS_SOLID_MASK; else bitfield |= IS_SOLID_MASK; markDirtyAndDispatch(); if(world != null) world.setBlockState(pos, getCachedState()); //do i need to invalidate any shape caches or something } } // @Nullable @Override public Packet toUpdatePacket() { return BlockEntityUpdateS2CPacket.create(this); } @Override public NbtCompound toInitialChunkDataNbt() { //TERRIBLE yarn name, this is "getUpdateTag", it's the nbt that will be sent to clients //and it just calls "writeNbt" return createNbt(); } protected void dispatch() { if(world instanceof ServerWorld sworld) sworld.getChunkManager().markForUpdate(pos); } protected void markDirtyAndDispatch() { markDirty(); dispatch(); } // }