package io.github.cottonmc.templates.block; import io.github.cottonmc.templates.Templates; import io.github.cottonmc.templates.api.ThemeableBlockEntity; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.Blocks; import net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntity; import net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntityType; import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtHelper; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.registry.Registries; import; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.Objects; public class TemplateEntity extends BlockEntity implements ThemeableBlockEntity { protected BlockState renderedState = Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); //Whether the player has manually spent a redstone/glowstone item to upgrade the template. //It's possible to get templates that, e.g. glow, without manually spending a glowstone on them //(put a froglight in a template!) Same for redstone activation. We need to separately store //whether a redstone/glowstone should be refunded when the player breaks the template, and wasting a //blockstate for it is a little silly, so, here you go. protected boolean spentGlowstoneDust = false; protected boolean spentRedstoneTorch = false; protected boolean spentPoppedChorus = false; public TemplateEntity(BlockEntityType type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { super(type, pos, state); } @Override public void readNbt(NbtCompound tag) { super.readNbt(tag); BlockState lastRenderedState = renderedState; renderedState = NbtHelper.toBlockState(Registries.BLOCK.getReadOnlyWrapper(), tag.getCompound("BlockState")); spentGlowstoneDust = tag.getBoolean("Glowstone"); spentRedstoneTorch = tag.getBoolean("Redstone"); spentPoppedChorus = tag.getBoolean("Chorus"); //Force a chunk remesh on the client if the displayed blockstate has changed if(world != null && world.isClient && !Objects.equals(lastRenderedState, renderedState)) { Templates.chunkRerenderProxy.accept(world, pos); } } @Override public void writeNbt(NbtCompound tag) { super.writeNbt(tag); tag.put("BlockState", NbtHelper.fromBlockState(renderedState)); tag.putBoolean("Glowstone", spentGlowstoneDust); tag.putBoolean("Redstone", spentRedstoneTorch); tag.putBoolean("Chorus", spentPoppedChorus); } @Nullable @Override public Packet toUpdatePacket() { return BlockEntityUpdateS2CPacket.create(this); } @Override public NbtCompound toInitialChunkDataNbt() { //TERRIBLE yarn name, this is "getUpdateTag", it's the nbt that will be sent to clients return createNbt(); } @Override public BlockState getRenderAttachmentData() { return renderedState; } public void setRenderedState(BlockState newState) { if(!Objects.equals(renderedState, newState)) { renderedState = newState; markDirty(); if(world instanceof ServerWorld sworld) sworld.getChunkManager().markForUpdate(pos); //dispatch to clients } } public boolean hasSpentGlowstoneDust() { return spentGlowstoneDust; } public void spentGlowstoneDust() { spentGlowstoneDust = true; markDirty(); } public boolean hasSpentRedstoneTorch() { return spentRedstoneTorch; } public void spentRedstoneTorch() { spentRedstoneTorch = true; markDirty(); } public boolean hasSpentPoppedChorus() { return spentPoppedChorus; } public void spentPoppedChorus() { spentPoppedChorus = true; markDirty(); } }