book: title: "Un magnifique titre" author: "Auteur du livre" pages: #You can add clickable text by writing it like the following example #random_text {your_text_with_abilities,hover_message,click_event(action,argument)} other_random_text # ACTION_LIST: CHANGE_PAGE, COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD, OPEN_URL, RUN_COMMAND, SUGGEST_COMMAND #examples: # - This is an example # if a player click {here,he would see this message by hovering,true(CHANGE_PAGE.4)} # he would open page 4 # if she exist #note that if you want to write an { or } in your text put a \ before #colors are also supported with & and §, help available on - | Premiere page C'est beau tu trouve pas ? - | ça c'est Seconde page. Magnifique non ? - | Et cette troisème alors ? la meilleure de toutes ! Tu trouves pas ? - | This is an example if a player click {here,he would see this message by hovering,true(CHANGE_PAGE.1)} he would open page 1 if she exist {Link,he would see this message by hovering,true(OPEN_URL.} {Command,he would see this message by hovering,true(RUN_COMMAND./say salut)} {Suggest,he would see this message by hovering,true(SUGGEST_COMMAND./say salut)}