107 lines
4.2 KiB
107 lines
4.2 KiB
import heapq
import map.wall
import map.box
import solver.node
import solver.pathNotFoundException
class Astar:
""" From https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithme_A* and http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578919-python-a-pathfinding-with-binary-heap/ """
offsets = {(0, 1): "RIGHT", (1, 0): "DOWN", (0, -1): "LEFT", (-1, 0): "UP"}
def __init__(self, grid):
self.grid = [[solver.node.Node(i, j, grid[i][j]) for j in range(len(grid[i]))] for i in range(len(grid))]
self.obstacle = {map.wall.Wall._character, map.box.Box._character}
def get_node(self, line, column):
return self.grid[line][column]
def reset_grid_data(self):
for line in self.grid:
for node in line:
def reset_grid_calcul_data(self):
for line in self.grid:
for node in line:
def is_obstacle(self, node):
"""Return True if node is an obstacle (wall or box) else return False"""
return (node.character in self.obstacle and node.exception is False) or node.transform_to_obstacle
def get_neighbors(self, node, goal):
"""Return a list of neighbors nodes from the left, right, up and down direction of `node` param if nodes aren't obstacle"""
neighbors = []
for x, y in self.offsets.keys():
_node = self.grid[node["x"] + x][node["y"] + y]
except IndexError:
if not self.is_obstacle(_node):
elif _node.x == goal.x and _node.y == goal.y:
raise solver.pathNotFoundException.Path_not_found_exception("No path found")
return neighbors
def get_neighbor_from_openlist(self, neighbor, openlist):
for data in openlist:
_dict = data[3]
if neighbor.x == _dict["x"] and neighbor.y == _dict["y"]:
return _dict
return False
def neighbor_in_closedlist(self, neighbor, closedList):
for _dict in closedList:
if neighbor.x == _dict["x"] and neighbor.y == _dict["y"]:
return True
return False
def solve(self, node_start, node_goal, include_coords_start=True):
"""Return a path to go from node_start to node_goal"""
start = node_start.__dict__
goal = node_goal
closedList = []
openList = []
came_from = {}
heapq.heappush(openList, (0, 0, id(start), start))
while openList:
current_node = heapq.heappop(openList)[3]
if current_node["x"] == goal.x and current_node["y"] == goal.y:
# path was found
data = []
while id(current_node) in came_from:
data.append(self.get_node(current_node["x"], current_node["y"]))
current_node = came_from[id(current_node)]
if include_coords_start:
return list(reversed(data))
neighbors = self.get_neighbors(current_node, goal)
i = 0
while i < len(neighbors):
neighbor = neighbors[i]
the_neighbor_from_openlist = self.get_neighbor_from_openlist(neighbor, openList)
if not (self.neighbor_in_closedlist(neighbor, closedList)
or (the_neighbor_from_openlist is not False and neighbor.cost <= the_neighbor_from_openlist.get("cost", None))):
neighbor.cost = current_node["cost"] + 1
neighbor.heuristic = neighbor.cost * neighbor.heuristic_calc(goal)
neighbor_copy = neighbor.__dict__
came_from[id(neighbor_copy)] = current_node
class_current_node = self.get_node(current_node["x"], current_node["y"])
heapq.heappush(openList, (class_current_node.compare(neighbor), neighbor.heuristic, id(neighbor_copy), neighbor_copy))
i += 1
raise solver.pathNotFoundException.Path_not_found_exception("no path found", start["x"], start["y"], "&", goal.x, goal.y)