revert commit 6e4241c5

This commit is contained in:
Quentin Legot 2021-02-28 12:27:13 +01:00
parent ebae240940
commit bd7a8e1f84
5 changed files with 14 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: othello.MainStats

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@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ Notre code se compose de plusieurs classes dont nous allons détailler les rôle
Nous avons utilisé un algorithme Negamax pour résoudre le problème, représenté en pseudo-code ci-dessous.
\subsection{Algorithme d'élagage}
Afin d'améliorer les performances de notre algorithme de base, nous avons implémenté une version avec élagage Alpha-Beta, plus performante.

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@ -10,26 +10,25 @@ import othello.players.AlphaBetaPlayer;
import othello.players.NegamaxPlayer;
import othello.players.Player;
public class MainStats {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
Player p1 = new NegamaxPlayer(1);
Player p2 = new NegamaxPlayer(1);
Player[][] board = initializeBoard(p1, p2);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Player[] players = Main.extractArgs(args);
Player p1 = players[0];
Player p2 = players[1];
Player[][] board = Main.initializeBoard(p1, p2);
State game = new State(board, p1, p2);
System.out.println("joueur 1: " + p1);
System.out.println("joueur 2: " + p2);
int tour = 1; // Pour le rapport
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("statsj1.txt");
PrintWriter writer2 = new PrintWriter("statsj2.txt");
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("statsj1.txt", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
PrintWriter writer2 = new PrintWriter("statsj2.txt", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
while(!game.isOver()) {
Player player = game.getCurrentPlayer();
game =;
if(tour % 2 == 0)
@ -40,49 +39,5 @@ public class MainStats {
Main.endGame(game, p1, p2);
public static Player[] extractArgs(String[] args) {
Player p1;
Player p2;
int depthP1 = 4;
int depthP2 = 4;
boolean useAlphaBeta = true;
try {
if(args.length >= 3) { // les paramètres > 3 sont ignorés
depthP1 = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
depthP2 = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
useAlphaBeta = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[2]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Les arguments de lancement ne pas corrects (pas des nombres entiers)");
System.out.println("Utilisation des paramètres par défaut ( 4 4 true )");
} finally {
if(useAlphaBeta) {
p1 = new AlphaBetaPlayer(depthP1);
p2 = new AlphaBetaPlayer(depthP2);
} else {
p1 = new NegamaxPlayer(depthP1);
p2 = new NegamaxPlayer(depthP2);
return new Player[]{p1, p2};
public static Player[][] initializeBoard(Player p1, Player p2){
Player[][] board = new Player[7][7];
board[0][0] = p2;
board[0][6] = p1;
board[6][0] = p1;
board[6][6] = p2;
return board;
public static void endGame(State game, Player p1, Player p2) {
System.out.println(game.getN1()+" "+ game.getN2());
System.out.println(game.getWinner() + " a gagné la partie");
System.out.println("Score joueur 1 -> " + game.getScore(p1));
System.out.println("Score joueur 2 -> "+ game.getScore(p2));